What is Saint Cloud Masonic Lodge

What is Saint Cloud Masonic Lodge

What is Saint Cloud Masonic Lodge

What is Saint Cloud Masonic Lodge – In Freemasonry, the lodge means two things. It refers to a group of Masons coming together in fellowship, and, at the same time, refers to the room or building in which they meet.

There are thousands of Masonic lodges in the U.S. and many more worldwide. The lodge itself typically consists of a lodge room where official business and Masonic rituals are conducted, as well as several additional areas for Brothers to share meals, spend time together, host public and private events, and more.

Thanks for checking out “What is Saint Cloud Masonic Lodge” written by St. Cloud Lodge No. 221 F. & A. M.

We are the St Cloud Lodge No. 221 Free and Accepted Masons based in the city of St. Cloud in Osceola County Florida. We operate under the jurisdiction of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Florida.

It is the mission of the St. Cloud Lodge No. 221 F. & A. M., to improve its members and enhance the communities in which they live by teaching and emulating the principles of our fraternity, while actively embracing high social, moral, and spiritual values including fellowship, compassion, and dedication to God, family, and country.

Saint Cloud Masonic Lodge meets every second and fourth Thursday. Dinner is at 6:30 p.m., and our meeting begins promptly at 7:30 p.m. If you have any questions, call us at (407) 892-3437! Remember to like and follow us on Facebook today.

Learn more at www.stcloudlodge221.org

What is Saint Cloud Masonic Lodge