Learn About Saint Cloud Freemasonry – Freemasonry is a system of morality, veiled in allegory and illustrated by symbols. Symbols allow people to communicate quickly, and to transcend language barriers. When you see a green light or a circle with a line through it, for example, you know what it means. Likewise, Masons use metaphors from geometry and the architecture of stonemasonry to inform their continuing pursuit of knowledge, ethics, and leadership skills.
To reflect their heritage, Masons wear aprons while in lodge, at certain public events, and at funerals to demonstrate their pride in the fraternity, and their lineage from stonemasons, who historically carried their tools in leather aprons. The square and compasses are the most widely known symbol of Masonry: When you see the symbol on a building, you know that Masons meet there.
Thanks for checking out “Learn About Saint Cloud Freemasonry” written by St. Cloud Lodge No. 221 F. & A. M.
We are the St Cloud Lodge No. 221 Free and Accepted Masons, based in St. Cloud, Osceola County, Florida. We operate under the jurisdiction of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free & Accepted Masons of Florida.
It is the mission of the St. Cloud Lodge No. 221 F. & A. M., to improve its members and enhance the communities in which they live by teaching and emulating the principles of our fraternity, while actively embracing high social, moral, and spiritual values including fellowship, compassion, and dedication to God, family, and country.
Saint Cloud Masonic Lodge meets every second and fourth Thursday. Dinner is at 6:30 p.m., and our meeting begins promptly at 7:30 p.m. If you have any questions, call us at (407) 892-3437! Remember to like and follow us on Facebook today.
Learn more at www.stcloudlodge221.org